Source code for assignment1.dg1_high_prec

"""Helpers to use :mod:`assignment1.dg1` with high-precision numbers.

High-precision is achieved by using :mod:`mpmath`.

import mpmath
import numpy as np
import six

_VECTORIZED_EXP = np.vectorize(mpmath.exp)

def _forward_substitution(lower_tri, rhs_mat, pivots):
    r"""Solve a lower triangular system with forward substitution.

    Solves :math:`Lx = PR` for :math:`x` where :math:`P` is a
    permutation matrix and :math:`L` is lower triangular.

    This method is based on
    :meth:`mpmath.matrices.matrices.MatrixMethods.swap_row` but
    uses NumPy matrices instead and allows the right-hand side to
    be a 2D matrix.

    .. note::

       We assume the caller has verified that ``lower_tri`` is square
       and that ``rhs_mat`` has the same number of rows as ``lower_tri``.

    :type lower_tri: :class:`np.ndarray`
    :param lower_tri: A square :math:`n \times n` matrix.

    :type rhs_mat: :class:`np.ndarray`
    :param rhs_mat: A :math:`n \times m` matrix.

    :type pivots: list
    :param pivots: List of pivots needed to apply the permutation
                   matrix :math:`P`.

    :rtype: :class:`np.ndarray`
    :returns: The solution :math:`x`.
    solution = rhs_mat.copy()
    # Apply the pivots.
    for k, pivot_val in enumerate(pivots):
        solution[[k, pivot_val], :] = solution[[pivot_val, k], :]

    # Now carry out the forward substitution.
    problem_size, _ = lower_tri.shape
    for i in six.moves.xrange(1, problem_size):
        for j in six.moves.xrange(i):
            solution[i, :] -= lower_tri[i, j] * solution[j, :]
    return solution

def _back_substitution(upper_tri, rhs_mat):
    r"""Solve an upper triangular system with back substitution.

    Solves :math:`Ux = R` for :math:`x` where :math:`U` is upper triangular.

    This method is based on
    but uses NumPy matrices instead and allows the right-hand side to
    be a 2D matrix.

    .. note::

       We assume the caller has verified that ``upper_tri`` is square
       and that ``rhs_mat`` has the same number of rows as ``upper_tri``.

    :type upper_tri: :class:`np.ndarray`
    :param upper_tri: A square :math:`n \times n` matrix.

    :type rhs_mat: :class:`np.ndarray`
    :param rhs_mat: A :math:`n \times m` matrix.

    :rtype: :class:`np.ndarray`
    :returns: The solution :math:`x`.
    problem_size, _ = upper_tri.shape
    solution = rhs_mat.copy()
    for i in six.moves.xrange(problem_size - 1, -1, -1):
        for j in six.moves.xrange(i + 1, problem_size):
            solution[i, :] -= upper_tri[i, j] * solution[j, :]
        solution[i, :] /= upper_tri[i, i]
    return solution

[docs]class HighPrecProvider(object): """High-precision replacement for :class:`assignment1.dg1.MathProvider`. Implements interfaces that are essentially identical (at least up to the usage in :mod:`dg1 <assignment1.dg1>`) as those provided by NumPy. All matrices returned are :class:`numpy.ndarray` with :class:`mpmath.mpf` as the data type and all matrix inputs are assumed to be of the same form. """ _solve_lu_cache = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def exp_func(value): """Vectorized exponential function.""" return _VECTORIZED_EXP(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def linspace(start, stop, num=50): """Linearly spaced points. Points are computed with :func:`mpmath.linspace` but the output (a ``list``) is converted back to a :class:`numpy.ndarray`. """ return np.array(mpmath.linspace(start, stop, num))
[docs] @staticmethod def num_type(value): """The high-precision numerical type: :class:`mpmath.mpf`.""" return mpmath.mpf(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def mat_inv(mat): """Matrix inversion, using :mod:`mpmath`.""" inv_mpmath = mpmath.matrix(mat.tolist())**(-1) return np.array(inv_mpmath.tolist())
[docs] @classmethod def solve(cls, left_mat, right_mat): """Solve ``Ax = b`` for ``x``. ``A`` is given by ``left_mat`` and ``b`` by ``right_mat``. This method seeks to mirror :meth:`mpmath.matrices.linalg.LinearAlgebraMethods.lu_solve`, which uses :meth:`mpmath.matrices.linalg.LinearAlgebraMethods.LU_decomp`, :meth:`mpmath.matrices.linalg.LinearAlgebraMethods.L_solve` and :meth:`mpmath.matrices.linalg.LinearAlgebraMethods.U_solve`. Due to limitations of :mod:`mpmath` we use modified helpers to accomplish the upper- and lower-triangular solves. We also cache the LU-factorization for future uses. It's worth pointing out that :func:`numpy.linalg.solve` works in exactly this fashion. From the `C source`_ there is a ``lapack_func`` that gets defined and is eventually used `in Python`_ as ``gufunc``. Notice that the ``lapack_func`` is ``dgesv`` for doubles. Checking the `LAPACK docs`_ verifies the ``dgesv`` does an LU and then two triangular solves. .. _C source:\ 4123a2d55c353e71f665712b4de578f933bd4135/numpy/\ linalg/umath_linalg.c.src#L1579 .. _in Python:\ 4123a2d55c353e71f665712b4de578f933bd4135/\ numpy/linalg/ .. _LAPACK docs:\ group__double_g_esolve.html\ #ga5ee879032a8365897c3ba91e3dc8d512 """ left_mat_id = id(left_mat) if left_mat_id not in cls._solve_lu_cache: # left_mat is a NumPy matrix, so must first be # converted to a mpmath matrix. lu_parts, pivots = mpmath.matrix(left_mat.tolist())) # Convert back to a NumPy matrix. lu_parts = np.array(lu_parts.tolist()) cls._solve_lu_cache[left_mat_id] = lu_parts, pivots lu_parts, pivots = cls._solve_lu_cache[left_mat_id] solution = _forward_substitution(lu_parts, right_mat, pivots) solution = _back_substitution(lu_parts, solution) return solution
[docs] @staticmethod def zeros(shape, **kwargs): """Produce a matrix of zeros of a given shape.""" result = np.empty(shape, dtype=mpmath.mpf, **kwargs) result.fill(mpmath.mpf('0.0')) return result
[docs]def gauss_lobatto_points(start, stop, num_points): """Get the node points for Gauss-Lobatto quadrature. Rather than using the optimizations in :func:`.dg1.gauss_lobatto_points`, this uses :mod:`mpmath` utilities directly to find the roots of :math:`P_n'(x)` (where :math:`n` is equal to ``num_points - 1``). :type start: :class:`mpmath.mpf` (or ``float``) :param start: The beginning of the interval. :type stop: :class:`mpmath.mpf` (or ``float``) :param stop: The end of the interval. :type num_points: int :param num_points: The number of points to use. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: 1D array, the interior quadrature nodes. """ def leg_poly(value): """Legendre polynomial :math:`P_n(x)`.""" return mpmath.legendre(num_points - 1, value) def leg_poly_diff(value): """Legendre polynomial derivative :math:`P_n'(x)`.""" return mpmath.diff(leg_poly, value) poly_coeffs = mpmath.taylor(leg_poly_diff, 0, num_points - 2)[::-1] inner_roots = mpmath.polyroots(poly_coeffs) # Create result. start = mpmath.mpf(start) stop = mpmath.mpf(stop) result = [start] # Convert the inner nodes to the interval at hand. half_width = (stop - start) / 2 for index in six.moves.xrange(num_points - 2): result.append(start + (inner_roots[index] + 1) * half_width) result.append(stop) return np.array(result)